What's On over the weekend
A reminder of a number of things scheduled for today and tomorrow which may be of interest to readers, writes Brian Byrne.
Today is the last day of the Scouts Clothes Drive to raise funds towards participation in the International Jamborette later this summer in The Netherlands, from 9am-12 noon at the Scout Den. And the scouts are also holding their Table Quiz this evening in Fallons, from 8pm.
For those interested in education, a talk on Rudolf Steiner will be given in Kilcullen Library this evening, from 7pm. Attendance is free.
And tomorrow morning is the first 2023 training session for Kilcullen First Responders. New recruits welcome. Email kilcullenfirstresponders@gmail.com.
There's also probably still time to get tickets for tomorrow night's Kilcullen GAA Dinner Dance and Awards Night, in Keadeen Hotel. Check the club's Facebook page for details.
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