Sunday, February 12, 2023

Looking Back: Grave crisis in Kilcullen, 1985

At Christmas 1985, the big question in Kilcullen was not whether Santa would have enough toys to cater for the children of an expanding Kilcullen, but would there be enough graves to cater for residents passing on? writes Brian Byrne.
Kildare County Council's 'Cemetery Crux' was headlined as the lead story in the Cill Dara News Christmas issue, where we read that the matter had been in discussion for ten years and the traditional graveyard at New Abbey had only eight spaces 'left unbooked'.
The landowner, Mrs Isabella Urquhart, had offered land around the original graveyard, but it was deemed not suitable because of a high water table. The Council had identified a suitable five acres of her land on the McGarry's Lane side, but Mrs Urquhart declined to give it — her solicitor is quoted telling a public enquiry that a cemetery there would be visible from her home's dining room.
The enquiry had been part of a compulsory acquisition process by the Council, and a decision by the Minister for the Environment would be forthcoming in early 1986, the report said. But Mrs Urquhart, whose solicitor said she had always 'been extremely reasonable' with the Council, would be appealing the decision if it went against her.
A Council spokesperson commented that there was a possibility that they would run out of graves at New Abbey, 'which would be most unfortunate'.
Land for a new cemetery was subsequently acquired from the Nolan family, just across McGarry's Lane from the Urquhart land which the Council had sought.
(Thanks to PJ Lydon for the newspaper page from which this story was written, and the photo of Mrs Urquhart, whom, by the way, this writer always found to be a most pleasant and friendly person.)

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