Kilcullen Mart presentation to Elizabeth for 50 years
Elizabeth Connolly, centre front, with colleagues and friends today in Kilcullen. |
It was a very special day at Kilcullen Mart today when presentations were made to Elizabeth Connolly, to mark her last day working there after almost 50 years, writes Brian Byrne.
Elizabeth will be 50 years with Leinster Marts in the new year, which will be acknowledged at the company’s AGM, but as this was her last day in Kilcullen, her colleagues here wanted to mark the occasion.
Saying that for him personally, Elizabeth’s leaving was a sad occasion, Leinster Marts Manager Jimmy Walsh said she had been an ‘absolutely top class person’ and a wonderful work colleague. Commending her consistency to high standards and integrity, he also noted that she had a great capacity to be ahead of things at work, particularly when new regulations were coming in, when she would have everything arranged well in advance.
“From the time I first knew her, she also had a wonderful way of courtesy to the customers, at a time when marts were not the most courteous of places,” he recalled. “And she gave the same courtesy to every client … whether they deserved it or not.” He concluded by wishing her well on behalf of all her friends and colleagues, and hoped that she would take the time to enjoy her three young grandchildren — “she’s a grandmother to triplets, which is not very common.”
Auctioneer John Osborne recalled how he had many times called Elizabeth in the early morning or late evening when a valuation might be needed, ‘and the answer was never “no”, she always made sure it was ready when needed’. “She was always a real lady,” he added.
Leinster Marts Chairman Ger Smith said Elizabeth’s contribution to the company had been ‘immense’. “In business you always need stability, and Elizabeth epitomised that,” he said, noting that her calm demeanour had often ‘defused an awkward situation’. “We will miss you, and I hope you enjoy every moment of your retirement.”
Words of appreciation for her as a work colleague were also said by Liam Foster and Leslie Hunter. “When computers were coming in, she told me I had to learn about them or I would not be staying in the business,” Leslie remarked. “Then she taught me everything about computers.”
On her part, Elizabeth thanked everyone for the occasion and said she had made very many friends through the years. “We will stay in touch,” she promised. From a cattle business family background, she married into farming and lives in Tullow from where she commuted to Kilcullen every Wednesday as well as working the Carlow Mart on Mondays. She told the Diary that much had changed in the trade over 50 years. “It has become much busier, with a lot more paperwork involved.” But computers had helped to deal with that, ‘it was all handwritten when I started’.
Presentations were made by Liam Foster and Tom Kehoe, Aine Byrne and Leslie Hunter, Niamh Lawlor and Anthony Walsh, and Patricia Lawlor and John Osborne.
Elizabeth at her Kilcullen Mart desk for the last time. |
Jimmy Walsh recalls a wonderful work colleague. |
Mart attenders enjoy the event. |
Liam Foster and Tom Kehoe with Elizabeth. |
Leslie Hunter and Aine Byrne with Elizabeth. |
Niamh Lawlor and Anthony Walsh with Elizabeth. |
Patricia Lawlor and John Osborne with Elizabeth. |
Ger Smith recalls an 'immense contribution' to Leinster Marts. |
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