Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A Christmas thank you from Maintain Hope

It has been a tough time here in Kenya, writes Gerry O'Donoghue of Maintain Hope. The level of poverty is difficult to describe but at least with the families in our support network, we are making a difference. We are constantly fielding requests for help from community organisations and the local authorities. We are anxious not to over-promise or to over-extend our resources but it is difficult to say no when the need is so great.
It’s remarkable how many families are held together by grannies. Like Mary in this picture who gathers her grandchildren around her with quiet determination, it falls to women like her to take the place of the missing generation. They are missing because of abandonment, HIV, addiction or health issues. Practically all of our network families are without a male role model. 
Julius Arega, who voluntarily heads up Rays of Hope, has become a big brother and father figure to the children. His own experience of growing up in an institution has made him fiercely determined to keep as many families as possible together. With over 70 children from preschool to college in our network, Julius is constantly running around dealing with family crises, school issues and the ordinary events of family life where guidance is needed. 
Through the Diary, Esther Reddy, David Dempsey and myself wanted to reach out in gratitude to our many supporters who make our work possible. I wish I could adequately convey just how much difference every euro makes. From fixing a leaking roof to giving a gifted child a chance at education, every coin counts.
The children and their families want to send all your readers their thanks and best wishes for Christmas. There is always hope.

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