Monday, November 07, 2022

Success for trekkers in Maintain Hope Lug Challenge

In yesterday's Lugnaquilla Challenge in aid of Maintain Hope, all 16 trekkers reached the summit and descended safely, writes Gerry O'Donoghue.
The input of Frank Mitchell was crucial, and his advice and encouragement ensured that it was a satisfying if challenging trek.

Temperatures dropped just below zero at the top and the team were glad of the warming soup and sandwiches provided by Fentons Pub on their return. 
Sponsorship money is still flowing in and we will be publishing the final tally in the days ahead. A new venture for Maintain Hope, we are delighted with its success. As well as raising much needed funds, we were anxious to establish this trek in our fundraising calendar. 

Thanks to our trekkers, their generous sponsors and all who contributed to a memorable day in the mountains. We hope that it was the first of many. There is always hope.

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