Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Billy's pulpit project is finally successful

Following an eight-year campaign, Billy Redmond got the good news yesterday that the Kilcullen church pulpit is to be repaired and cleaned and put on display, writes Brian Byrne.
Billy told the Diary today that it is 'great news' that the new parish priest, Fr Gary Darby, will decide on a location for the pulpit, which was removed almost half a century ago in the general changes to altars that resulted from Vatican II.
In 2014, while going about his then regular voluntary chore of keeping the church grounds tidy, Billy found the pulpit stored in an old shed at the back of the church. Since then he has been on a mission to have the edifice relocated to a safe place where it can be seen.
"It will never be used as a pulpit again, nor will it go back in the original place," Billy says. "My primary aim now is to effect some minor repairs and cleaning, affix a suitable plaque thereto and it will be displayed in a public place to be decided by Fr Darby, advised by whatever Parish Council is in place." A new Parish Council is in the process of appointment at the moment.
The 'rescue' of the pulpit will happen sooner rather than later, as the shed in which it has been stored is on the point of collapse, and will soon be demolished. "The pulpit itself, because of its construction — marble pillars, and plaster effigies — has not deteriorated over the intervening 48 or so years," Billy adds. (Photos here courtesy of Billy.)
Meanwhile, preparations are well under way to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the church, on Sunday 6 November. More details closer to the event.

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