Thursday, August 25, 2022

Kilcullen Gardai always contactable — Sergeant

With more gardai attached to Kilcullen than was ever the case before, it is ‘nothing less than the town deserves’, the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action heard, writes Brian Byrne.
Sergeant Tom O’Donoghue told those present that there are currently 11 gardai working out of the station, on 12-hour shifts that operate between 7am and 4am the following day.
“I want people to be aware of that, and that even if those on shift are out of the station they are contactable directly on mobile through the station landline if it is unoccupied,” he said.
The station’s local district area goes north as far as the Two Mile House cross, east to include Ballymore, west to Corbally Cross and to Kinneagh Cross, and south down to Ballymount.
“Our gardai are community oriented, and  are available to the community for any concern, however small,” Sergeant O’Donoghue added.
The importance of visibility of gardai in the community was brought up by Ray Kelly, who noted that during the covid situation it was good to see gardai on the street, ‘just strolling down’. He suggested that the level of local patrolling may have decreased recently.
Sergeant O’Donoghue agreed that the importance of visibility ‘is huge, and contactability is huge’. “It’s important that word goes out about us being available to contact by mobile — it’s a rarity that there isn’t somebody there.”
The meeting continued with discussion of concerns about vandalism, speeding, illegal parking, and the issue of illegal drugs.

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