Sunday, August 21, 2022

Ice Age Fairy house, and GAA vandalised

In the latest episodes of vandalism in Kilcullen, someone went to the trouble last night of pulling down one of the fairy houses from the top of the Ice Age conglomerate rock in The Valley, writes Brian Byrne.
The Ice Age Fairy Palace was installed in summer 2019 as part of the Valley Fairy Trail provided by Ger Doyle and Kilcullen Community Action.
Not content with taking it down, the perpetrators sprayed it with paint.
There has also been scribbling on the picnic seats and on other fairy houses recently.

Also, the hard work on Thursday by volunteers from the Ladies Section of Kilcullen GAA in repainting the dugouts (above) was brought to nought by graffiti vandals (below), as found yesterday morning.

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