Saturday, August 20, 2022

Have you done the Camino Cill Chuilinn?

The Camino Cill Chuilinn was produced in 2020 as the Kilcullen Heritage Group contribution to National Heritage Week, writes Brian Byrne.
It's a 16km route which brings walkers or cyclists on a self-guided tour that takes in historical, physical and religious elements of the Kilcullen area. For local people it's a reminder of times and events which all came to underpin the community of today. For visitors, it can help to imprint a more rounded recollection of Kilcullen for after they have moved on.
Anyone who wants to walk or cycle it, or visit any sections, can do so with the background of historical information on the area from the dedicated website. It includes a written narrative, distances between points, photographs, and links to video pieces. It is easily read on your phone as you travel around the 16kms circuit.
There's also a shorter version, leaving out the Carnalway and Brannockstown legs of the other. It is travelled in a different direction, but it retains the core historical underpinnings of Kilcullen.
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