Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Kilcullen to involve in Brigid 1500

Kilcullen is now on track to develop initiatives for the Brigid 1500 festival which will run from Brigid's Day 2023 through to the same day in 2024, writes Brian Byrne.
A meeting in the Library last evening was well attended and a very informative presentation by Mario Corrigan of Kildare Library Service generated considerable enthusiasm.
The meeting was organised by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, who said that because there are so many places and institutions in Kilcullen related to Brigid, a 'conversation' on the town's involvement should happen sooner rather than later. "Whatever groups want to get involved, they need to start talking now. It would be a shame if Kilcullen was left out of it."
Mario Corrigan said the project is aimed at celebrating all aspects of Brigid — the saint, the pagan goddess, the wonderful compassionate woman. For any community wishing to celebrate her in the anniversary year of her death, it can be done in whatever way they want it to be.
Funding for projects will be available through a number of sources, including Kildare County Council and Creative Ireland, the meeting heard.
The Council and the County Kildare Decade of Commemorations Committee commissioned Abarta Heritage to produce a reference report for the project, which will be available to stakeholders, communities and organisations to facilitate the development of ideas for Brigid 1500. "This document is a key to the door," Mario Corrigan said. "But this can be whatever you want it to be, and don't let the report cramp your creativity."
He said it was important that a community like Kilcullen should have its ideas and plans in place for whenever funding possibilities come up.
He added that Brigid 1500 will be 'really big', and represents an opportunity for a lasting legacy, both in 'bringing Brigid to the world stage' and in attracting visitors to the places in Kildare and Ireland with which she has associations.
He emphasised that the event is not focused solely on any aspect of Brigid, though the anniversary of the death of the saint 1,500 years ago is the starting point for the celebration.
A number of ideas were briefly discussed, including the possibilities of a summer school, music and drama presentations, and events based on fire, wind or water. Mario Corrigan reiterated that 'this can be anything you want it to be, and it can be respectful to all creeds and beliefs."
A Facebook page has been set up as part of the communication programme for the project. A full-time coordinator for the event is being recruited, for a period of three years.
The Kilcullen group decided to meet again before the end of June.

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