Friday, May 27, 2022

KCA AGM highlights another year of progress

Another successful year for Kilcullen Community Action was detailed at last night's AGM of the organisation, writes Brian Byrne
In her report, KCA Chairperson Ann Cashman provided a progress commentary on the highlight elements of the year, with continuing work on the Town Design Programme, Market Square Development, the Polytunnel, the Energy Project, Biodversity Action Plan, Community Garden, Signage and more.
She noted particularly the fact that there are currently three Leader-funded projects in progress, describing that as 'amazing' and commending those members involved in the application process for the funding.
The Community Garden at the Library is another success, full of vibrancy and energy. "You only have to walk past it and see the people, the toddler's group and others enjoying it, to see that."
On the Kilcullen in Bloom summer flowers programme, Ann referenced the work of two evenings this week which members spent planting over 200 flower boxes and hanging baskets for this year's decoration. The location  for the work this year was appropriately the Polytunnel which is now fully in action.
On the work of the Biodiversity Plan, she noted the planting of many thousands of bulbs in various areas of the community. A downside was the depredation caused by crows, who dug up and ate 'a significant' number of them.
The work of those in the Community Employment scheme attached to KCA has been 'vital', the chairperson said, name-checking Joe, Wayne, Michael and Theresa along with KCA members Noel Clare, Ilona Brede and Martin Sheridan who work with them.
The installation of new approach road signs after many years of effort and some frustration was also noted at the meeting.
The Financial Report was circulated and accepted. It was agreed that the Auditor's services would be retained for the current year.
Ann thanked all members, Directors and Officers of KCA for their contribution to making Kilcullen a beautiful town in which to live, work and visit. On behalf of the members, Ray Kelly thanked her for her own 'wonderful leadership' during the year. She concluded the meeting by reminding that new members are always welcome.
A four-page colour magazine supplement detailing Kilcullen Community Action's work and projects over the last year will be distributed with the June issue of The Bridge.

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