Friday, April 29, 2022

Information booklet for older persons

An information booklet has been issued by the Kildare Older Person's Council which is geared at helping older people maintain physical and mental health.
The 36-page publication can be downloaded from here and includes forewords by John Malone, chairman of the Kildare Age Friendly Alliance and Ted Walsh, Kildare Age Friendly Ambassador.
Among the contents of the booklet are tips on self-care, information on Kildare Sports Partnership programmes to encourage older people to 'keep moving', details about the Slí na Sláinte walks in the county, community policing and security, and good nutrition.
"There are some tasty recipes to try out, poetry and thoughtful pieces to feed your mind, songs to lift your spirits, and some puzzles and quizzes to distract and amuse you," says Ted Walsh. "There is important advice on safety and security and a list of useful contacts too. Hopefully, a little something for everyone."
John Malone notes that the Kildare Age Friendly programme is part of a national effort and great progress has been made co-ordinating programmes across the country.
"I am pleased to recognise and salute the work of Kildare Older Person’s Council," he adds, highlighting how people are living longer and as a result the work of the Older Person’s Council and the Alliance 'has grown significantly'. "The Older Persons Council is a vital cog in the wheel and has a key role in assisting the formulation of strategies and in identifying priorities and is a vital voice in articulating the concerns and views of the older age cohort."

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