Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Training for Kilcullen Synod Assemblies tomorrow night

A training session for the planned Kilcullen Synod Assemblies related to next year's Catholic Church Synod in Rome will be held on Thursday evening in Kilcullen Parish Centre.

The session is geared for Table Leaders and helpers for the Assemblies, taking place towards the end of the month. It will begin at 7.30pm and will last about an hour.

"There will be a short explanatory talk followed by a 'Mock Assembly' to see the process at work, using a couple of the Assembly questions," says Robert Jordan who, with Evelyn McKenzie Smith and Howard Berney, is one of the designated 'Animators' for the Kilcullen involvement. "As was suggested by the Animators last Sunday week at the masses in Kilcullen and Gormanstown, if anyone would like to help and hasn’t been invited, they are most welcome to come along on Thursday night."

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