Monday, March 07, 2022

Heritage funding for Parish Church, Harristown

Two Kilcullen buildings have received funding under the Built Heritage Scheme, among 15 Kildare projects announced today, writes Brian Byrne.
An allocation of €10,000 has been made towards a conservation plan for Kilcullen Parish Church, and Harristown House was granted €6,600 for internal structural repairs.
The church previously received €25,000 heritage funding in 2018 for necessary roof repairs at the time.
Both Kilcullen allocations reflect work on the applications by Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer, and today’s news has also been welcomed by Minister of State Martin Heydon TD. “This funding will help to protect and maintain the buildings, which are valued in our community,” he said, adding that funding through the scheme provides employment to small businesses, skilled conservation specialists and tradespeople.
Martin Heydon is pictured above at the Parish Church in 2018 when roof repairs were being carried out. 

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