Thursday, February 03, 2022

Pedestrian concerns on footpath parking

With fines for parking on footpaths doubled to €80 from 1 February, there are pedestrians in Kilcullen hoping that this will prove a deterrent to a practice that puts them in danger as well as causing inconvenience, writes Brian Byrne.

Of course, that will only happen if there is regular enforcement with the fixed penalty notices. A reader who regularly walks from the Hillcrest end of town to the centre with her visually impaired father is hoping fines will be imposed. Her pictures above show just one of the difficulties she and other pedestrians encounter on a regular basis

"Outside Fallons I have had to go out on the road as I could not get by with the parking," she told the Diary. "The parking on double yellow lines outside the doctor's, and on footpaths, is really becoming a joke."

Except that it isn't a joke for people who have to step out into the road and the constantly busy traffic. "I have seen people with prams forced on the road," our correspondent says, adding that 'it is very frustrating having to walk on the road while there are lorries coming at you'.

She also raises the problems for pedestrians and people with buggies who have to negotiate their way on footpaths where there are tables and chairs. "When people are sitting down, the legs of the chairs take up a good bit of the footpath."

The whole pedestrian and cyclist safety issue is one which will be part of the upcoming workshop sessions, relating to the Kilcullen Design Statement, on 12 February in the Town Hall. More about these during the week.

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