Thursday, January 06, 2022

Walking and Cycling Road Show coming your way

A new Walking and Cycling  Road Show unit organised by Kildare County Council will begin travelling the county shortly, to encourage people to consider more sustainable transport, writes Brian Byrne.

Organised by the Council's Road Safety, Cycling and Sustainable Transport Officer Declan Keogh, the mobile unit will tour communities and schools over coming months, highlighting appropriate locations around the county for both cycling and walking.

The visits will also provide an opportunity for Declan to again deliver the road safety message. "But that will be against the background of also enjoying these facilities," he told the Diary today. "Last year we had a road safety-focused Road Show, which was by its nature very legalistic, though very successful. This one is less formal."

Declan says the initiative will promote local tourism to local people, and also feature the network of Cycle Cafes which have been developed around the county with KCC support. "I also hope it will encourage people to think about sustainable mobility for shorter trips around their own communities," he says (Listen below).

Venues and times for the Road Show appearances will be provided through the Council's social media platforms in advance of visits, some of which will also be streamed.

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