Friday, January 07, 2022

Adult ukulele classes for Community Centre

Steve Hultgren with young players in Halverstown NS.

Adult Ukulele Classes will commence in the coming weeks in Kilcullen Community Centre. The classes will start from the very basics so no experience in music is required.

The man behind the operation is Steve Hultgren. Primarily a guitar teacher with over 15 years experience, Steve has been teaching guitar in Kilcullen for many years and also runs the after-school Ukulele Club in Halverstown NS.

"The ukulele is a great instrument for people who want to get a start in music," Steve says. "With a bit of practice you can get very good at it in a short space of time. I have been teaching guitar for many years currently my eldest student is in his 70s so I thought the adult ukulele class would be a great idea for the people who always wanted to play an instrument but never got round to it."

For more information, contact Steve on 085 1776230.

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