Wednesday, October 20, 2021

'Know Your Locality' course from KCC

An online course to help people study the history, heritage, archaeology and geology of their own areas will be held through November by the Kildare County Council Heritage Office, writes Brian Byrne.

Know Your Locality - Kildare will be on Tuesday evenings beginning 2 November, from 6.30pm to 8pm, and will kick off with a distribution on online resources and links to participants related to their own locality.

Each of the first four workshops will focus in the first part on a different aspect of geology, the landscape and archaeology, from the formation of Ireland to the arrival of the Anglo-Normans in Ireland. The second part will aim to teach a set of online research skills.

The fifth workshop will give tips on how all these skills can be used to make a submission to the ‘KnowYour5k’ initiative by the Heritage Council and National Museum of Ireland.

There are only 25 places on the course, with registration available here. Allocation on a first come basis.

The course is supported by Creative Ireland Kildare as part of the @Creative Ireland Programme 2017-2022 in partnership with Kildare County Council.

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