Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Books and stuff sale for Maintain Hope this weekend

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels.

A reminder that a books and bric-a-brac sale will be held in Kilcullen this Friday and Saturday, 5/6 November, in aid of the Maintain Hope charity, writes Brian Byrne.

The event will be held in the Town Hall between 10am and 4pm on both days.

Donations of books and saleable items can be left with David Dempsey in Halverstown NS, Esther Reddy at Whitehall Cottage, or with Frank Morrow at Moortown, Brannockstown.

It is the first public fundraising event held by the group in almost two years, and the proceeds will be used to support Maintain Hope's families in Kenya.

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