Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Evelyn stars in upcoming new drama from Luna Collective

This is the poster promo for the next production by Luna Collective — 100 Shades of Being, writes Brian Byrne.

Written and directed by the Collective, Kilcullen's own Evelyn O'Sullivan will be among the cast.

The poster designed by Hollie Murphy and the production also includes the talents of Pippa Molony, Praise Titus, Jerry Iwu, Martina McCormack, Eliza Pauliute, and Enzo Benvenuti. We don't yet have a date or details of the play, which will be streamed online 'soon'.

Previous productions by the Luna Collective have included Samovar, written by Frank McGuinness and directed by Evelyn's daughter Rachel O'Sullivan, a founder member of the group. It premiered in January.

Rachel performed in Legos, released in November of last year, with George Parashkevov. That was directed by Graham Butler Green, and dealt with young people's friendships online in pandemic times.

The group's debut was last August with Guy, written by Ryan O'Donnell and on the theme of a night out in a club and issues of consent. The three-hander starred Rachel O'Sullivan, Ryan O'Donnell, and Graham Butler Breen. There's a Kilcullen Diary Podcast on the making of Guy here

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