Friday, November 13, 2020

'Legos' from Luna Collective is a 10-minute drama delight

Just premiered online a short while ago tonight, Legos is the latest production from Luna Collective, writes Brian Byrne. It stars Kilcullen's Rachel O'Sullivan with George Parashkevov, tugging at the tangled ball of wool that is young people's friendships online in these pandemic times.

This is much more than it might seem at the start. Two heads talking on screen could so easily be a recipe for yaaaawwn. But not here. I was mesmerised by an extraordinary natural ten minutes between two friends.

One that asked questions, gave answers, but clever use of familiar technical blips in Facetime-Zoom-Skype meant some answers missed, which only we the viewers knew could have changed the direction and relationship.

It's deep but delicate. It's sweet and sad. It's a delight. Take ten. Enjoy and appreciate.

Written by Graham Butler Breen. Directed and Musical Score by Ryan O'Donnell. Damien played by George Parashkevov; Paulina by Rachel O'Sullivan. Funding by the Ad Astra Academy.

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