Monday, March 01, 2021

Bank branch closure plan 'a sad day for the town'

There's sadness and disappointment, and a certain level of resignation, in Kilcullen over Bank of Ireland's decision to close the branch here, writes Brian Byrne.

Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer says that while she is very disappointed with the decision to close the Bank of Ireland branch in Kilcullen it doesn’t come as a great surprise. "It was very difficult to get the bank reopened after the first lockdown and at that it never returned to full service," she says. "It probably has most impact on members of the community that don’t drive — however we are lucky to have both a post office and credit union as some towns don’t have either."

For Brian Fallon of Fallons Restaurant, it's another example of BOI proving to be another ‘impersonal, corporate machine’, that people would never have thought Bank of Ireland would be. "I bank with them for convenience and proximity, and closing the branch is not good for the town." He added that the branch does bring people into the town, and closing it would be 'an absolute shame'.

Nichola Kennedy, Kilcullen's Optometrist, said her business operates mainly through the ATMs outside or in the premises. "It's just another cutback to suit the bank, but not their clients. It may also mean a lot of our more mature local clients may have to bank in neighbouring towns thus taking business away from the town. While it won’t impact greatly on us directly, it will impact our loyal local clients."

Donal Brennan of Brennan's Hardware noted that his business hadn't banked with BOI for many years, but that it would cause a significant issue if the ATM service was also discontinued. "We have a lot of customers who would use that to get cash for what they're buying," he said. "But as for the branch itself, I see more Kilcullen people in AIB than I'd see in BOI Kilcullen."

Ray Kelly, who had been involved in discussions with the bank on behalf of Kilcullen Community Action over the recent years when services were being cut back, said 'the writing had been on the wall' for the Kilcullen branch. "It's a sad day for the town," he told the Diary, adding that he had been personally banking there for 45 years.

Labour Senator Mark Wall has called the announcement of the closures as 'a kick in the teeth' for thousands of loyal customers and staff. He added that it was 'ruthlessly opportunistic' and that the loss of branches in Kilcullen and Monasterevin will 'hit those towns hard'. "Those branches had remained a focal point in those towns and were being used by locals in pointing out that their towns had a future and could attract investment and opportunities."

In comments on Facebook, many people have complimented the staff at the branch for always being very helpful.

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