Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Scoil Bhride raises another Green Flag

Scoil Bhride in Kilcullen has won its sixth Green Flag, this time for Global Citizenship - Litter & Waste, writes Brian Byrne.

The flag was raised by members of Sixth Class along with Mr O'Connor and Mr Murphy.

The Green Flags scheme is a whole-school action for the environment in a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community.

It is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce, in partnership with local authorities.

The programme is supported by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government; Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment; Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport; The Department of Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Irish Aid, National Transport Authority; National Parks and Wildlife Service, Irish Water and the Wrigley Company Limited. 

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