Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Check out today's Science Week online events

The 25th Science Week is now under way, running until 15 November with a wide range of events reflecting all aspects of science, writes Brian Byrne.

Supported by Science Foundation Ireland, the event this year is all online due to the restrictions of the pandemic.

Attendances are free, with booking available via Eventbrite. Information and links for the presentations are available here.

Today, Wednesday, there is a Creative Illustration Workshop with Alan Nolan, courtesy of the SEAI. Looking to the skies, there's an Astrophysics Researcher Talk with Dr Caitriona Jackman from DIAS about her amazing research using I-LOFAR to study planets in our Solar System, suitable to students from 1st-3rd Years in second level (starts at 10am).

An Energy & Climate Policy Panel Discussion: Ask the Scientists, is happening from 12 noon. And this evening from 6.45pm there's an online science show — Build Your Own Rube Goldberg Machine, an event suitable for all the family.

More events over the next days. Check them out.

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