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Friday, August 07, 2020

Looking Back: St Brigid's Grove

Looking back today to early June 2001, when the St Brigid's Grove four-home sheltered housing unit was officially dedicated in Kilcullen by then minister for finance Charlie McCreevy TD, writes Brian Byrne.

The report on KildareNet News (KNN) noted that the homes were provided by the Kilcullen Lions Club, with the aid of a £212,000 grant from the Department of the Environment & Local Government under the Voluntary Housing Scheme.

The project was also coordinated with the help of Kildare County Council and the Eastern Health Board.

Minister McCreevy thanked the voluntary members of the Lions Club for their 'unselfish dedicated work' and said the new homes were an impressive example of what can be achieved with the scheme.

The new occupants of the homes were Daisy Lennon, Jack Delaney, Kitty Hartigan, and Kathleen and Tim Gleeson.

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