Monday, August 03, 2020

Home trips an opportunity to explore biodiversity and heritage

The increase in people taking short trips at home instead of holidaying away is noted in the August issue of the Biodiversity Bulletin produced for the Kildare Community Biodiversity Project, writes Brian Byrne.

While forced on people because of the coronavirus situation, authors Green Pine Consultants say it is a great chance to explore and showcase the many wonderful heritage sites across the country.

Because such trips might mean a day trip to the coast for those living inland, the Bulletin includes some links to wildlife that might be expected there. But it's also a month for lots of opportunities for 'Citizen Science' activities, including the annual All-Ireland Daubenton's Bat Survey.

There are sources of information too for what needs to be done in these months in local managed wildflower meadows, and the Bulletin also notes that in the upcoming National Heritage Week there will be many events relating to natural heritage.

The Wildflower Species of the Month feature highlights the Common Knapweed often seen on roadside verges, grasslands and waste land and there are links to information on that.

Kilcullen is one of ten communities in County Kildare which are part of the Kildare Community Biodiversity Project, via Kilcullen Community Action. The August Bulletin and the links can be accessed here.

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