Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Survey to get Kilcullen & Gormanstown parishioner views

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash.
A reminder that a survey to gather the views of parishioners in the Kilcullen and Gormanstown area has been developed by some members of the Parish Pastoral Council.

It is available online here or hard copy versions are available from Woodbine Books, which can be filled in and returned to Woodbine, or placed in the white postbox at the back of the Parish Church.

No personal information is given by completing the survey, with all contributions remaining completely anonymous.

The organisers would appreciate as wide a response as possible, to minimise the margin of error. They plan to provide a report at the end which will be available to every parishioner on request.

The survey is not an official one by the Parish administration, but the organisers say it is very important to the future planning and development of the parish.

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