Tuesday, July 28, 2020

More synergy planned in KCA projects

A greater degree of synergy between various related projects under the direction of Kilcullen Community Action was suggested by KCA chair Ann Cashman at last week's meeting of the group, writes Brian Byrne.

The idea was raised during discussions about progress of the Community Garden, the polytunnel, and the Kilcullen In Bloom initiatives, all of which are in train under different leaderships.

Eoin Houlihan, fronting the polytunnel project which he hopes will be 'up and running' by October, agreed, saying that getting the composting element going would be a good start. "We need to embrace the whole idea of sustainability," he observed.

Derek Hoey, designer of the Community Garden in the grounds of the Library said increasing synergy is 'a no-brainer'. He said that once the heavy work in the project is done, and some raised planters installed, 'things will start to speed up a bit' there.

The prospect of KCA growing its own flowers for Kilcullen In Bloom will be piloted once the polytunnel is installed.

"I really like the idea of them all blending," Ann Cashman said.

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