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Sunday, May 10, 2020

KCA considers GoFundMe appeal

A selection from last year's Kilcullen In Bloom.
A GoFundMe appeal is one of the options being considered by Kilcullen Community Action as alternative fundraising because of the coronavirus situation, writes Brian Byrne.

The most recent meeting, held by video-conference, noted that normal fundraising such as the street collection and the usual level of support from businesses are unlikely to be available for projects such as Kilcullen In Bloom.

KCA chair Ann Cashman said alternatives need to be found in order to keep key projects going. She noted that the cost of flowers for KIB would be in the region of €4,000-€5,000.

Donations by text is another possibility which the meeting considered.

Ray Kelly said the GoFundMe idea looks good, and he will have further information for the group soon.

The Kilcullen In Bloom flowers are scheduled for installation over the June Bank Holiday weekend.

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