Thursday, March 05, 2020

And now for the good news ...

Pic: Lukas/Pexels.
If you're the man with a beanie cap who handed a wallet into Bank of Ireland in Kilcullen last Friday, there's someone wants to get in touch with you, writes Brian Byrne.

The lady in question was meeting up with two friends for a browse around Woodbine Books, and parked her car on the hill up beyond the shop.

"We looked around the shop, and then went for coffee and it was only then that I realised I didn't have my wallet," she told the Diary this afternoon. "We walked up and down the street looking for it, to no avail. I even rang home to see if I'd left it there, but it wasn't."

Later, while back in Woodbine Books again, she got a call from Bank of Ireland in Kilcullen, about her credit cards. "I immediately thought they were going to say that someone had used them, and that I should cancel. But it turned out that a man had found my wallet, with my cards and ID, and had handed them into the bank."

Unfortunately, the man's name wasn't recorded and the wallet's owner would like to express her thanks to him, if he reads this. "I was really uplifted by the fact that he took the time to pick it up and bring it to the bank," she says.

So if you are the good Samaritan of last Friday, get in touch with the Diary and we'll put you in touch with a very thankful lady.

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