Friday, January 17, 2020

U-Can Band hitting higher notes

The founding group.
The newly formed U-Can Band ukulele group has enjoyed its second session and now has located to the Bridge Camphill Hall, writes Brian Byrne.

With another two members, both in their teens, the group is open to more. "Even if they don't play yet," says group founder Robert Jordan.

They are currently meeting in the hall on Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 9pm. Participants pay €5 a night 'just to have a wee fund'.

They have been learning tunes including 'Happy Birthday', 'When the Saints go Marching In', and Donovan's 'Colours' and 'Da Doo Ron Ron' by the Crystals.

Despite what he calls 'some rough sounds', Robert says the amazing thing is 'the fun we have'. "When the singing is loud enough, you can fluff your way through each song, with good chords and bad chords. Gradually your fingers learn where to go and every new verse and chorus is an opportunity to try again and to do better. With so many playing, nobody hears if you make a mistake. Brilliant and so encouraging."

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