Saturday, January 04, 2020

Bonne chance, Julie, with Jolly French

It's a special day on Wednesday next for Julie Rouyer, whose first classes in French language classes for children kick off in Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.

Under the Jolly French banner, she will be starting classes in Scoil Bhride for Junior and Senior Infants, pupils in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Classes, and also for the 4th, 5th and 6th Classes.

And on Saturday of next week she'll be operating an already full class for children eight years and older in the Kilcullen Community Centre.

We posted about Julie's plans last November on the Diary, and it's great to see them now on the cusp of flying. So just to say, this should be one of the first local good news stories of 2020.

Not least for the youngsters who will be getting the chance of learning a second language at the best time in their lives to do so. Bonne chance à toute.

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