Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Long period parking ‘not good for business’

Long stay parking in Market Square and surrounding areas is not a help to local businesses, the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action heard.

The meeting heard from Cllr Fiona McLoughlin Healy that the recent parking survey carried out by Kildare County Council found that a ‘high percentage’ of motorists were leaving their cars parked in the area for longer than five hours.

The survey, which has not yet been made public, also showed that 15 cars on one day were parking in Market Square for longer than five hours.

Antoinette Buckley said that this prevented a turnover of customers for local businesses, and that this was not good for the town.

Cllr McLoughlin Healy also confirmed that the overground car park attached to the Market Square building ‘is for public use’ and has 38 parking spaces.

Cllrs Tracey O’Dwyer and Cllr Noel Heavey also attended the meeting.

(ED NOTE: The material for this report was provided by Kilcullen Community Action, as this reporter was not able to attend the meeting.)

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