Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Contract Bridge promotion day next Sunday

The CBAI (Contract Bridge Association) have designated the 16–23 August as a National Bridge Promotion week, writes Carmel Gleeson, the Association's Regional President.

What is Bridge? “Bridge is the most entertaining and intelligent card game the wit of man has so far devised.”W Somerset Maugham.

We, Bridge players in Kildare, will hold a special bridge promotion Day in Ryston Social Club, Newbridge, next Sunday, 18 August, starting at 2pm. If you already play Bridge, or if you are interested in learning how to play Bridge, please call in and we will have a chat over a cuppa.

Why play bridge? Bridge is social: A game of bridge involves communication and cooperation with your partner and interaction with your opponents. There’s a special camaraderie among bridge players that develops from the Social setting and the game’s emphasis on teamwork, ethics and sportsmanship.
Looking forward to seeing you — Carmel Gleeson, Regional President; Marie O’Mara and Fran Swift, County Development Officers.

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