Sunday, March 31, 2019

TY Teddy Bear project for Heart Children Ireland

As part of a Transition Year Make-A-wish class, myself and two other girls — Emma Doherty and Hannah O'Grady — have chosen to take part in a charity project, writes Abigail O'Leary.

The project, which is completely non profitable, involves people donating hand knitted Teddy Bears which we hope to present to Heart Children Ireland. These bears will then be gifted to children in hospital.

We would be grateful if people could knit some bears with their spare wool. They can be dropped into Cross and Passion College who will then pass them on to us.

Please note that these are charity bears and cannot have any buttons or anything else that would be dangerous to children.

If people do not have a teddy bear pattern, one can be supplied. Or if anyone simply has a question they can email me at

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