Saturday, March 30, 2019

Kilcullen 700 presentation to school

School Principal David Dempsey accepts the Kilcullen 700 memento for Halverstown NS from Sabina Reddy.
Halverstown National School was recently presented with a memento of their inclusion in the Kilcullen 700 celebrations, writes Sabina Reddy.

A lot of planning went into the occasion and part of it was a poster competition among the pupils of the school The result being the winning poster by Cassie Lawlor 5th class, which was amalgamated into the Kilcullen 700 logo and the new product is the school's poster logo for the year along with the wording 'One small school, one big community'.

Halverstown school is also celebrating 60 years in existence this year.

A few organisations from the community came together to help make the run a success, those being the school's parents association, the student's council, Old Kilcullen Community Association, Kilcullen Lions Club, Kilcullen Team Relay for Life and Kilcullen 700.

A great day due also to the lovely weather and a great gathering of people.

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