Saturday, March 30, 2019

Presentation to Filipino community group at Gala Evening

The Kildare Filipino Community had added something very special to the recent St Patrick's Day Parade in Kilcullen, those attending last night's Gala evening of 'A Wake in the West' heard, writes Brian Byrne.

On behalf of the Kilcullen 700/Patrick's Day Parade Committee, Noel Clare made the comment at the presentation to representatives of the colourful dance and music group with their Overall Winner prize for the best contribution to the parade.

The group were presented with the Sarah Swaine Perpetual Shield by John and Gretta Swaine, parents of Sarah who died at a very young age from cancer.

Noting that a number of the group worked in the wider Kilcullen area, some of them in the Curragh Lawns Nursing Home operated by Miriam McDonnell, Noel said that in addition to the entertainment they provided they also exemplified the multi-cultural theme of this year's parade.

"We had so many different nationalities marching with their own national flags, it certainly added colour and interest and showed just how multi-cultural we have become," he said, thanking all who had been involved in the event, a highlight of the Kilcullen 700 celebrations.

The proceeds of last night's Gala performance of Kilcullen Drama Group's latest production were for the Kilcullen 700 project fund.

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