Saturday, October 27, 2018

Have you booked for 'The Black Eyes'?

A reminder that The Black Eyes: An Urban Myth? will be performed on 30 October and 1 November by young members of Kilcullen Drama Group, writes Brian Byrne.

The play, written for young people, is based upon a popular urban myth that originated in the US. In this myth, supposedly paranormal creatures with black eyes and pale skin, resembling children between 6-16, are found hitch-hiking, begging, or associated with 'haunted buildings'.

The stories have been around since the mid-1950s, thought to have originated in Texas but since spread around the world.

Bev Clark's play uses elements of horror, physical theatre and ensemble work to create a suspenseful and chilling play. It won the One Act Play Category of the Roister Doister Publishing Playwriting for Young People Competition in 2015.

The author has written many one-act plays, including Bentley: Road to Justice, The Ghost Crib, and Running Out of Time.

Contact Eilis Phillips for booking.

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