Thursday, June 07, 2018

Local writer sets up lifestyle magazine

Kilcullen writer and journalist Louise O'Gorman and her friend Jenny Cox have set up an online lifestyle magazine, 'Your Daily Slice', writes Brian Byrne.

And through June the magazine is featuring a special 'Body Positive' campaign, as a series of articles surrounding body image in relation to young people, personal experience, and tips from nutrition and exercise professionals.

"We shall also be having some interesting chats and interviews, and be discussing body image in relation to social media/responsibility," says Louise. "It's an issue that affects us all and one that we at feel very strongly about.

She adds that the magazine is keen to highlight and promote a positive message to as many people as possible. "The Body Positive campaign is designed to start a conversation. To raise awareness and highlight the issues surrounding body image."

The campaign can be followed on the magazines website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter outlets.

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