Saturday, January 03, 2015

Attempted burglary in Cnoc na Greine reported

With another reported attempt at house burglary in an estate in the area last evening, the need for more cooperative vigilance against crime is again evident, writes Brian Byrne.

According to residents in Cnoc na Greine, three people were interrupted by a neighbour when trying to break into a house on the estate. The neighbour was threatened before the three ran away.

The Kilcullen Garda District Text Alert Scheme, organised two years ago, has been actively encouraging estates in Kilcullen town to join in their Scheme, which up to now has been mainly organised in the rural districts outside the town. Scores of Alerts have been processed and transmitted to participants in Old Kilcullen, Calverstown and Castlefish areas since it went live in July 2013.

The alerts have included details of suspicious activities and vehicles, burglaries, and thefts of property and animals.

Castlemartin Lodge joined up recently. Any other group or residential area can contact Sabina Reddy if interested, or email the Diary ( and we'll put you in touch.

Being part of the Scheme means people become more aware of suspicious movements within their area.

The national Text Alert system was officially launched in September 2013 and is operated by the Gardaí with Muintir na Tíre, Neighbourhood Watch and the Irish Farmers Association.

The system allows the Gardaí to provide information by text or e-mail to each registered 'community contact' who then forwards the information to all members of their 'community group'.

Contact with the Gardaí must be made in person or by a telephone call, to control and verify information.

More than 100,000 people are signed up to the scheme from 550 groups across the country. More than one million SMS messages have been sent via the system to date.