Alert scheme collection tomorrow
The national church gate collection for the Muintir Na Tire Community Alert Schemes is being held this weekend, writes Sabina Reddy.
Please support this collection, as such schemes are very important in helping crime prevention right across the country.
Also, the local Kilcullen Community Text Alert Scheme's next meeting is on Tuesday night in Brennans of Old Kilcullen, starting at 9pm. We will welcome anyone who wants to drop in to get information on the Scheme, the value of which was recently recognised when it was given a Kilcullen Community Action Award.
Please support this collection, as such schemes are very important in helping crime prevention right across the country.
Also, the local Kilcullen Community Text Alert Scheme's next meeting is on Tuesday night in Brennans of Old Kilcullen, starting at 9pm. We will welcome anyone who wants to drop in to get information on the Scheme, the value of which was recently recognised when it was given a Kilcullen Community Action Award.