Friday, July 09, 2010

Don't miss 'The Brans' Festival

All is in place for this coming weekend's Brannockstown Village Summer Festival, which kicks off on Saturday at 11am with an ecumenical blessing at the Village Primary School. This coincides with the opening of an Art Exhibition in the school which is open until 3pm.

Over the weekend there are a myriad of activities for local people and visitors alike, including a Village Heritage Talk in the Baptist Church at 1pm on the Saturday, followed by a Community Heritage Walk through the village and the adjoining Harristown Estate and House.

If the weather is kind, there will be a picnic in the grounds of the Baptist Church, with entertainment provided by the Landers and Geraldine Irish dancing schools. This event is restricted to families and schoolgoers in the community.

Dancing, storytelling, and traditional music will be held during the evening, at the crossroads and at the Stray Inn and Marquee for the later part of the night.

A Village Fete on the Sunday afternoon will include artisan food and crafts, including demonstrations. There will be games aimed at family and children participation, and the announcement of Art Competition winners.

Local talent will get its chance to shine at ‘Brannockstown’s Got Talent’ in the Stray Inn Marquee from 4-6pm, while from 9.30pm until late there will be at the same venue music, song, and a bit of karaoke.

The organising committee acknowledge the support of Kildare County Council for the festival.