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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Continued concerns about lighting

Concerns about danger in the dark were highlighted at the recent meeting of Lui na Greine residents.

The residents are specifically concerned at the lack of street lighting at the entrance to the estate. Now that the days are getting darker at an earlier time there is a real danger for people walking in the evening.

The gripe for this is now with the ESB, who have been paid by the developer to connect the lighting but no work on this seems to be on the horizon.

The residents also discussed concerns about the proposed rezoning under the Kilcullen Draft Plan and will send details of their views to Kildare County Council.

A special committee charged with examining the possibility of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme has been established and will meet next Tuesday evening in Fallons.

The residents also discussed smaller issues, such as the provision of speed ramps, tree cutting and estate signage. The meeting also expressed its appreciation for the Special Commendation award from the Tidy Towns Committee.

The next meeting is planned for December 4 in Fallons.

Brian Byrne.