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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Miracle on the main road

"I just saw a miracle in the making," the tip-off came to the Diary on Saturday morning.


And indeed it so seemed to be. Contractors to Kildare County Council were working to repair the junction between the Sunnyhill Road and the Athy Road, just below the Old Kilcullen turnoff.

It is a situation which the Diary has been complaining about for years, and other local people and motorists using the junction.


Eventually a response from KCC said it was the fault of a local bulk concrete business, whose trucks sometimes spilled part of their loads. Nobody was much impressed by this excuse for the Council not fixing the situation.

However, as of last Saturday morning, it IS fixed. Smooth new tarmacadam has filled the canyons which had to be negotiated for so long by motorists and their suffering suspensions.


The cynics would say that it is the time of year when Councils rush to use up unspent money before they have to give it back to central exchequer funds. Others would claim that it is simply the Council doing its proper job in its own time.

Whichever, we're all glad to see the corrugations covered.


Brian Byrne.