Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Thieves target homes of elderly

In the season that's in it, householders need be ever more vigilant about their security against burglars.

There have been a number of incidents around town in recent times, mostly targeting older people living on their own.

One of the most recent happened when the house was unoccupied, and raiders broke through two rear doors and ransacked the premises.

Some items of sentimental value were stolen, but it is clear the robbers were looking for cash. It is also evident that they were watching for an opportunity to break in while the house was unoccupied.

The Diary understands that gardai are looking at the possibility of local involvement.

The incident also makes it clear that simply locking ordinary doors and windows not a deterrent to these miscreants, who don't care how much damage they cause to gain entry.

Watch your home, and watch each others' homes.

Brian Byrne.