Saturday, October 01, 2005

Carnalway fight collects statements

The Brannockstown Village Committee is taking statements from people who have used the disputed Carnalway Bridge right of way, as part of its fight to have the path and amenity area reopened.

"We're taking the statements from a wide spectrum of people, including those who have used the area for walking, swimming, fishing or canoeing," says committee member Steve Schwer. "These will be an important part of our case when we take it to court."

Statements already taken range from people who have used the area for in excess of fifty years to more recent regular users.

In the meantime, the fundraising for legal fees required to indemnify the Attorney-General against costs is proceeding well, with a number of 'substantial' donations already received.

The committee is also having its first fundraising Table Quiz in Markey's Stray Inn on October 21.

In relation to the fundraising, Steve Schwer emphasised that Coughlan White & Associates are giving their services without charge.

The Diary understands that no further progress has been made towards resolving the issue without going to court.

Brian Byrne.