Significant interest in Kilcullen Settlement Plan
A steady stream of people visited this afternoon's public consultation on the Kilcullen Settlement Plan proposed for integration into the Kildare County Development Plan 2023-2029, writes Brian Byrne. The event was organised by Kildare County Council in Kilcullen Heritage Centre, and among the new objectives in the KSP are a greenway routed alongside Pinkeen Stream and the construction of an eastern side bypass road around the town.
The KSP will replace the previous standalone Kilcullen Local Area Plan 2014-2020 and includes an updated set of aspirational objectives. The commentary says the plan involves 'limited' changes compared to the old LAP. The written statement is accompanied by a screening of habitats, a Strategic Environmental Assessment, a Flood Risk Assessment of the town riverside area, and a Surface Water Management Strategy. One map at the event displayed objectives of the KSP, others were related to zoning, green infrastructure, mobility, flood risk, and heritage.
A number of the listed objectives were not in the old LAP, or have been reworded in more specific language. Key takeaways include the promotion of active travel, reductions in on-street parking, additional or improved pedestrian and cycling facilities with permeability between existing and new developments, and improvements to the quality of Kilcullen Main Street.
New to this plan is a proposal to provide a 'greenway' route from the Athy Road at the Business Park, along by Pinkeen Stream and back to the riverside area near the bridge at the Camphill property. There's also a commitment to examine the feasibility of a route needed for a relief road to the east of the town and, crucially, to seek the construction of this road, which would require a new crossing of the River Liffey.
In addition to officials from KCC, public representatives present included Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer and Cllr Chris Pender.
The Diary will provide a number of posts with more detail of the KSP over the coming two weeks. The various sections are available to view in Kilcullen Community Library or online here.
Submissions or observations can be made up to 4pm on Wednesday 20 November.
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