Kilcullen Settlement Plan, public consultation event
A reminder that a public information event will take place THIS AFTERNOON & EVENING, Tuesday 5 November 2024, at Kilcullen Town Hall, in reference to the Kilcullen Settlement Plan, writes Brian Byrne. The event, which will run from 4pm–7pm, will offer anybody in the community an opportunity to discuss the plan and the reasons behind what is termed Proposed Variation No 1 of the Kildare County Development Plan 2023-2029.
This variation will provide a Settlement Plan for Kilcullen to replace the Kilcullen Local Area Plan 2014–2020 (LAP), to include a written statement and mapped objectives to provide a coherent planning policy framework for Kilcullen to guide the future planning and sustainable development of the town.
The proposed variation may be viewed between 22 October 2024 and Wednesday 20 November 2024, online here or at the Planning Office, Kildare County Council, Áras Chill Dara, Naas, during opening times of 9.30am-4pm, Monday to Friday; or Kilcullen Branch Community Library, New Abbey Road, Kilcullen, during normal library opening hours.
Submissions may be made via online OR hard copy up to 4pm on 20 November 2024.
EDITOR NOTE: For anyone who is interested in Kilcullen's future development, this meeting is well worth attending.
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