Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Senator wants Domestic Violence Register

A domestic violence register, similar to the sex offenders register, would be established if legislation proposed by a Kildare based senator is enacted, writes Brian Byrne.
Senator Fiona O'Loughlin is hoping that a domestic violence bill she has proposed will be brought to the next legislative stage in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, the Senator has welcomed the new system of civil orders to protect stalking victims which came into effect two days ago. Introduced under Part 5 of the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 this allows for someone who has been subjected to stalking behaviour to apply to the District Court for a civil order to prohibit such behaviour continuing. The move will allow for earlier intervention without requiring a level of proof for a criminal conviction.
“Every measure brought into law that will protect stalking, gender-based violence, and domestic abuse victims is another layer of protection for them," Senator O'Loughlin says. "Having these measures in place offers victims hope and sends out a positive message that the government has their back and has the tools in law to protect them against their perpetrator.”

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