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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Retail trading for autumn-winter workshop

The Kilcullen Business Group will be hosting a presentation on retail trading strategy for the autumn and winter period, writes Brian Byrne. The event on Monday 23 September will be in Fallons, and is open to all retail, hospitality and service business across Kildare. 
The presentation — Making the most of the Autumn and Winter: A retailers guide to strong PEAK trade — will be given by the Enterprise, Tourism and Economic Development Team of Kildare Local Enterprise Office, starting 7pm. The keynote speaker is Miriam Simon of Retail Powerhouse. Registration is essential for attendance, as places are limited. 
From 3pm on the day, the team will be undertaking a Kilcullen town walk, visiting as many businesses as possible in the town who have registered for the event.
Topics covered will include in-store and online trading levers, gifting strategies, operational tips, and digital marketing. A strategy Workbook will be provided for each attendee. 
Registration is available here for the event, which is free. 

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